stage light
The lighting of scene is for me a translation of what happens on light.
The objective is to retranscribe the emotions, the stories that the music group, actor, director wishes to tell and thus accompany them, push them in their narrations.
Attached to create images that is detached from what we usually see on the shows, I always look for new forms and realize, if necessary, specific light sources.
I experiment with old and new techniques, such as Psychedelic light, Liquid Light, Halogen, Laser, Led...
Thanks to this work, I have perpetually new knowledge to make.
Faithful user of Avolites consoles for more than 20 years, which I particularly appreciate for its ergonomics and its speed of execution.
Since my discovery of lasers, I learn and use Pangolin Beyond software and hardware tools.
A large part of my research and creation work is done with the Capture software (3D simulator dedicated to light).