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light installation


αsκlipιοn. - light installation 

(fête des lumières, Lyon, FR)

αsκlipιοn. - light installation 

(umières, St Gervais Mont Blanc, FR)

αsklipion is an art installation project aimed at raising awareness about medicinal plants.


It is a light, sound and plant installation, visible by night and day, that talks about alter-

native medicine and helps to tell which plant brings which benefit to the body.


In Greco-Roman antiquity, an αsklipion is a sanctuary of healing, dedicated to Asklipios.

In the Homeric epic Asklipios is the god of medicine. Son of Apollo, he is the mythical

ancestor of the Asklipiades, a dynasty of physicians practicing in Cos and Knidos, of

which Hippocrates is the most illustrious member.

Halfway between the Greek temple from which the work takes its name, an

apothecary’s stall and an open-air exhibition wall, αsklipion consists of 140 lamps

housing frozen plants magnified by light and music.

Concretely, αsklipion translates plants into light and sound. The work offers the

viewer a soothing, almost therapeutic experience. Its light and sound programming is

constructed in harmony with the medicinal properties of each plant. Relaxing, it recalls

the processes of light therapy and music therapy. Labels will allow the spectators to

identify each plant and its properties.

The musical creation of Cédric Béron is thought to relax, inspired by the study of David


Lewis-Hodgson, a neuropsychiatrist whose study has demonstrated the power of mu-

sic to reduce anxiety.


The colors, sources of energy combined with the soothing power of music and the

virtues of plants, immerse the viewer in a harmonious and rejuvenating universe.

αsklipion is an ode to nature, a haven of peace in the bustle of the city.

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